Friday, March 29, 2019

Happy National Assistive Technology Awareness Day!

AT Awareness DayEarlier this month, the United States Senate unanimously adopted a resolution declaring today National Assistive Technology Awareness Day. The resolution noted that "assistive technology devices and services are not luxury items but necessities for millions of people with disabilities and older adults, without which they would be unable to live in their communities, access education, and obtain, retain, and advance gainful, competitive integrated employment,"
ACL is proud to fund Assistive Technology Act programs in every state and territory that help older adults and people with disabilities discover, try, reutilize, and finance assistive technology. In FY18:
  • Over 72,000 individuals participated in assistive technology device demonstrations to find the right device for their community living needs.
  • Nearly 50,000 AT devices were provided on short-term loan to individuals with disabilities, service providers, and agencies.
  • More than 70,000 AT devices were reutilized, allowing consumers to save more than $28 million by obtaining a lightly used or refurbished AT device.
  • 96% percent of consumers who received financing loans from an AT program said they would not be able to purchase or obtain the AT without this financing.