Friday, June 5, 2015

Hands-On With Doppler Labs’ Here Active Listening System

In short, these are two independent ear buds that (with zero latency) give you complete audio control over your environment. If you want to reduce the volume of a crying baby or a screeching subway train (without turning everything down), the Here buds will let you do that. If you’re at a concert and you want to pump up the bass, the Here buds will let you do that, too.
The product launched on Kickstarter two days ago with a $250K goal, and has surpassed that goal in around 48 hours. During the interim, we sat down with Doppler Labs founder Noah Kraft to discuss the product and get exclusive hands-on time with the app.
I realize that this video doesn’t actually give you the opportunity to hear what the Here buds sound like, but you can watch me do it!