As part of advancing HTML 5.0 to World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Recommendation by 2014, the HTML Working Group Chairs proposed a plan today to work in parallel on stabilizing HTML 5.0 and developing the next generation of HTML features. The plan identifies, for the first time, how the Working Group will produce an HTML 5.1 Recommendation by 2016.
The plan, not yet approved by the HTML Working Group, explains how the group anticipates fulfilling the interoperability expectations of the W3C process, including how the group will gather implementation evidence, identify features at risk for Candidate Recommendation, and create a test framework.
Modularity plays an important role in the plan progress. To enable features to evolve independently and rapidly, the group will make use of what it calls “extension specifications.” Some extension specifications may end up being published as stand-alone documents that are part of the “HTML family of specifications”; others may be re-integrated into the “baseline” HTML5 specification.
The plan also includes several elements to facilitate development of accessibility solutions for HTML5. In addition to leveraging the extension specification approach, the plan includes a mandate for the HTML Accessibility Task Force to develop accessibility solutions through cooperation and consensus.
We now invite discussion of plan in the HTML Working Group, Accessibility Task Force, and WAI Protocols and Formats Working Group. If adopted, then the HTML Working Group expects to advance HTML 5.0 to Candidate Recommendation in Q4 of this year.
To read the proposed plan, visit